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Entreprise de déménagement longue distance fiable

If you Google "moving company", you will be hit with pages upon pages of results. Shifting through them can be time-consuming and a lot to take in. Most people just look at the first page of Google, assuming they win the title of the most reliable long-distance moving company. But truth be told, that is not always the case.

It pays to take the time and do a bit of research when selecting a reliable long-distance moving company. After all, you are entrusting these people with your most precious belongings. You are letting them into your home, and you want to be sure you have chosen reliable long-distance movers.

With online scammers on the rise, consumers need to be even more diligent in their research in finding trustworthy and reliable long-distance movers. Unfortunately, the moving industry has also been a victim of fraudulent activities.

How to Spot A Scammer

In today's modern age, it's become easier than ever to be a victim of a scam. The Internet has opened the door to many fraudulent businesses trying to take advantage of unknowing customers. Even the most tech-savvy consumers can be duped by smart scams. Luckily, there are some clues you can look for when doing research for a reliable long-distance moving company, that may tell you that you are dealing with a scammer.

Here are some common "red flags" of scam moving companies:

  • Their pricing seems too good to be true. If they claim to be “best choice movers” but their moving prices are well below their competitors, you could be dealing with a fraudulent moving company. Reliable long-distance movers offer competitive prices but offer white-glove service.
  • They ask for full payment upfront. A reliable long-distance moving company will ask for a deposit, especially during peak season, but they will never ask for the full amount before providing the service.
  • They don’t have a website. A true reliable long-distance moving company dedicates its business to moving and will have a comprehensive business website. Beware of moving companies that only advertise on Facebook and Kijiji. A legit moving company does not advertise this way.
  • They only accept cash, e-transfer, Pay-Pal, or bitcoin. This is a major red flag that they are not reliable long-distance movers.
  • They ask you to sign a contract before giving you an in-person or virtual quote. Top long-distance movers will always want to completely understand your moving situation in order to give you an accurate estimate of costs associated with your move. If a moving company gives you an abstract and unconditioned flat rate, beware.

These are just a few of the ways scammers try to take advantage of people. Sadly, scammers are always coming up with new ways to trick people into handing over their hard-earned money. So, the onus is on you to do your due diligence and homework to find an honest and reliable long-distance moving company.

What Makes Reliable Long-Distance Movers

Entreprise de déménagement longue distance fiable

Scammers aside, there are many awesome, hard-working men and women who dedicate themselves to the moving industry. You will find several amazing movers in your quest for a reliable long-distance moving company.

So how do you pick the right one for you? The answer to that question depends on what type of move you are making and what services you are looking for.

A reliable long-distance moving company will offer a selection of services to accompany your move. Things like professional packing and unpacking, furniture disassembly and reassembly, storage options, garbage pickup and disposal, vehicle transport, etc. What services you want will depend on your needs and your budget.

Read online reviews. Read the positive and negative reviews. Get a sense of whether or not they are top long-distance movers. Read reviews on other sites, not just their own website to get a broader perspective of the type of company they are.

Reliable long-distance movers are trained for moving best practices. Read the "About" section on their websites. See what kinds of training each mover is put through. Top long-distance movers will be transparent about everything, so if it doesn't say on their website, call them up and ask.

Best choice movers will also be in business awhile. Any company still going strong after a few years is a sign that they must provide top-notch service. A reliable long-distance moving company will have been in business for at least a few years or more.

Why Hire Movers Instead of Doing it Yourself

Entreprise de déménagement longue distance fiable

The answer to this question is pretty easy. Best choice movers know how to move. Most people do not. This is by no means an insult. It's just a reality. Reliable long-distance movers move every day. It's fair to say that most people do not.

Think of it this way, most people know how to cook (to some degree). Let's say you wanted to cook a gourmet meal. You know how to cook, so you can handle it with no problem, right? You even have a recipe to follow, so it should be pretty easy. The meal you prepare may turn out ok, maybe even good. But you likely encountered a few challenges along the way. Your kitchen is probably a mess, maybe your steak is a bit burnt, the sauce is a little runny, and your vegetables are overdone.

Now imagine a professional red-seal chef preparing that same meal. They glide easily through the kitchen, organized and on top of things. There is no stress. They have all the right pans and utensils, know the right cutting techniques, and smoothly prepare an exceptional gourmet meal. Nothing is overcooked or overdone.

Now apply this analogy to moving. Yes, most people know the basics of moving, but if your budget allows, hiring the best choice movers can make the process so much easier and you get a much better result at the end of it.

Top Long-Distance Movers Make All the Difference

Entreprise de déménagement longue distance fiable

Hiring the best choice movers will not only make your life easier, but it will also give you the security to know your precious belongings will be properly taken care of during your move. Top long-distance movers are worth their weight in gold. Make sure you put in the effort to find the right reliable long-distance movers for you!